Social media at your event – why, where, what and how!

What is an event without social media in 2014? There are many ways you can use social media to your advantage. To increase involvement, expand exposure, create buzz and monitor the event’s sentiment.

social media

Event website
When people check out your event website they might be not sure if they should attend. A most recent Twitter stream with your hashtag could rule them over – because if these interesting people are going, so should I! The same hashtag can create a lot of buzz before your event even starts and gives people the possibility to connect with fellow attendees.

Signing up
Whether you have linked your sign-up system with your CRM database or just create an attendee list from your Facebook event guest list, it’s the ideal time to connect with them. Invite them to like your Facebook page, your event page or to download your specially created app. Don’t forget to mention your hashtag!

Yes, they are here! Now people have to check in, collect their badge, hang their coats and make a quick bathroom stop. You can imagine there’s a lot of waiting involved in the first stage of attending your event. Make it worthwhile! Send them a welcome SMS or tweet, give away stickers with your event’s hashtag or cool brand logo (social nerds love to put them on their fancy Apple computers), show snippets of video’s in the waiting area’s, hang posters that mention the social platforms you are monitoring today and invite the attendee to share Tweets, pictures on Instagram etc. Don’t forget: free wifi is the key to a social event.

Social signage
What’s going on? In which room  is that interesting talk? What’s trending? Where should I go? What are others doing? All questions you can answer with a social signage. A social signage can be optimised specially for your brand. Insert livestreams full with updates, pictures, check-in, mentions and presentation notifications. Link the social signage with several big screens at smart locations such as waiting area’s, the coffee corner, entrance of rooms and nearby the bathrooms.

Background screens
Chances are you invited a lot of interested speakers. Whether you like it or not people are going to live tweet, discuss and talk online during the talk. Why not implement this buzz in the presentation? A background screen can create interesting discussions. Ask listeners to post their question or opinion with the hashtag. It works a lot easier than going around with a mic and besides, people tend to ask something faster online than raising their hands in real life.


10 Features Every Social Media Dashboard Must Have

Reports and insights from social media monitoring tools are a valuable resource to understand the status and development of your brand or company on social media. If you want to be a ‘social brand’, it is not sufficient to just monitor. You have to create unique content, read and respond to individual messages and monitor. Only this way you can build a community and a relationship with brand fans.

social media

There are many free and paid tools on the market to post updates in advance, have a look in reach and monitor on the basis of keywords or hashtags. A few examples of these dashboards are: HootSuite, TweetDeck & Buffer.

Not all dashboard have the same options. But, from experience, I can recommend dashboards that are or have at least the following things:

An social media dashboard should be easy to use. The features should feel natural or native to you. If it is too complicated chances are you won’t make the most of it.

Which of my social media platforms can be linked with this dashboard? Important, because you don’t want to use different tools for different platforms.

You need a dashboard that can be arranged to fit your wishes. It al depends on your goal at that moment. Are you live tweeting an event or are you monitoring the sentiment of your latest campaign?

Look & Feel
Does it look fresh and clean to you? Dashboards that are too full, have too many colours or graphics can feel overwhelming and might distract you from the most important stuff.

Intern & Extern
Does your social media dashboard has an public option? Would be nice to share a compact dashboard with a Twitterstream, latest updates and fan count for public rooms where your clients can see how social you are.

There is a lot going on. And most of it is white noise. A dashboard that offers features to filter this noise into e.g. relevant mentions is exactly what a busy community manager needs.

You don’t want to refresh every 5 seconds. You don’t want to be on top of old news. In 2014 we want real-time information.

A great social media dashboard let you schedule posts for times that you are not around. The weekend of evenings for example. Make sure that you can schedule rich content such as pictures and videos.

Multiple members
Bigger brands and companies have several people who manage the social content. To keep things tidy it is advisable to create a personal login for each member of the account. It makes delegating a lot easier.

You are probably too busy to create weekly or day to day social media reports. So don’t! Most social media dashboards offer some kind of report system, many of them are only available for paid accounts.

5 handy apps for meeting planners!

Apps can be a great tool for meeting planners. It gives you a great overview of RSVP’s, to do’s and can combine different communication platforms. I have collected a few of my favourite apps.

event apps

Eventbrite – With Eventbrite you can organise succesful events in three steps. 1) create an event webpage with descriptions and details to start selling tickets and collecting registrations. 2) Promote your event using the free tools to spread the word about your event. 3) Manage event entry and be on top of who’s coming and check them in at your event. The Eventbrite App can quickly scan barcodes at the door and provide the most up-to-date list. Create a seamless process, delighting your attendees with the ease of getting in the door.

Bizzabo – Event planning is like a juggling act, balancing multiple elements of a conference at once. Use the Bizzabo platform to give your attendees a mobile agenda, networking capabilities, all while generating social buzz around your event. Take charge of your event by sending out real-time announcements for any changes and keep attendees engaged throughout the event.

Buffer – Buffer makes your life easier with a smarter way to schedule the great content you find during your event. The advantage of Buffer is the possibility to schedule posts with pictures for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. It makes managing content fun!

Super planner – Super Planner provides a variety of planning tools, including calculators for venue capacity, staffing, catering, staging, projection and dance floor, as well as useful tips in several areas.

Momice – With Momice it’s so easy to create an event site in 5 simple steps and to use the email- and registration module to communicate with your attendees in a professional way. Save time and money by managing all communication through one single website.

What are your favourite meeting planner apps? Let me know in the comments!

Meet the Dutch at EIBTM and win a trip to Holland

Are you counting the last hours as I am? Only two days left until EIBTM 2013 opens the doors to the show floor and I’m so excited to meet many old and new friends again. This week I tried to make a lot of buzz to inform you all about the prize you can win at our booth. After we created so many great masterpieces during IMEX America, we are hungry for more. Therefore my Holland crew has decided to offer a trip to Holland again for the best EIBTM Masterpiece.

Jane Loshakova

Let’s create a masterpiece

Holland is the home of many remarkable artistic talents. Great master like, Van Gogh, Rembrandt and Vermeer have changed the world of art with their paintings. During EIBTM 2013 we offer you the unique opportunity to create a masterpiece yourself by taking a picture of you and me. For hosted buyers, this picture is the ticket to enter the Facebook competition.

Tag and WIN!

After your visit, you will receive a card with all instructions to join the competition. As a first step, I invite you to visit my Facebook page. Find the photo we took together in the album EIBTM 2013 and tag yourself. To win the first prize you need help. Ask all your friends, colleagues and family members to like your photo. The prize is yours, if you get the most ‘Likes’.


The first prize is a trip to Holland for two people, including flight with KLM (economy class), 3 nights at Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre plus breakfast. You will receive two tickets for the Rijksmuseum, so that you can discover the Dutch masterpieces yourself. The top ten participants will receive their photo on a canvas, as a personal take-home masterpiece.

Will I see you in Vegas?

Check my previous blogpost to get an impression of what you can expect from your trip to Holland. It would be great to meet you at my booth during EIBTM. Will you come?

Meet me and my friends at #IMEX13

Just a few days to go before the international meeting and event industry will gather in Frankfurt for IMEX 2013.  I am really excited to meet you all, so just watch out for my orange suit and make sure that the Holland Meeting Point lies on your direction. We have prepared some orange specials for you.

Blog Frankfurt IMEX_holland-stand_1

Free meeting design consult

Have you already noticed the glasses in my new avatar? They are original Dutch design and I am wearing them because the Holland stand at IMEX13 will be devoted to meeting design. For this special occasion I will bring my friend Mike van de Vijver, meeting designer and co-author of the book Into the Heart of Meetings. Maybe my latest blogposts made you curious about Mike’s profession? You are welcome to ask him all your questions about meeting design. Just make an appointment with him.

Be a shooting star

Wouldn’t it be nice to meet in Frankfurt and take a funny photo together? So, if you spot me just come over and we will pose for the camera. This photo might also be your ticket to win a copy of Mike’s book Into the Heart of Meetings.

Blog Holland IMEX Frankfurt 2013 tweetup

IMEX 2013 #Eventprofs & #EUventprofs Tweetup

Once again we agreed to be the hosts for our 4th IMEX Tweet-up. Place: Holland Meeting Point (Stand E100). For questions your can contact the organizer: Anne Thornley-Brown, President, Executive Oasis International and Group Manager, Event Planning and Event Management on LinkedIn. There is space for a maximum of 40 people so please RSVP right here!


Are you ready to meet my friends? These are the partners you can meet at the Holland booth:

Regional Convention Bureaus

Destination Management Companies

Convention Centres

Hotel Chains

Individual Hotels

Special venues

Travel Solutions

Will I meet you?

On which days will you be at IMEX? I’d love to meet you, so if you are up to something send me a mail, tweet me or leave a comment.

Will I meet you at IMEX Frankfurt in 2013?

Are you counting the days? #IMEX13 in Frankfurt, the worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events is starting soon. Since we are anticipating one of the biggest trade shows for event planners and suppliers, I want to spent all my attention on warming up the attendees. I will also be there from 21-23 May, together with my friends and partners from Holland and of course we are preparing some orange specials for you.


Consult a meeting designer

Meet our special guest at IMEX: Mike van de Vijver, co-author of the book Into the Heart of Meetings will be there to give free consults on meeting design. Have you run out of inspiration? Do you need some tips to improve your meetings? He can help you with all your questions. Use the online schedule tool to make an appointment with him at IMEX.

Dutch Design Mr Holland

Meet me in real life

I wouldlove it if we could meet at IMEX to catch up or get to know each other. I will be on the floor all day, so if you see my orange suit, stop by to take a photo with me!

Mr Holland facebook social media

Talk with me

Of course I will be tweeting and updating along with you on hashtag #IMEX13 to exchange the latest news from the floor. If you have some great updates for me, please keep me posted.

Will I meet you at IMEX? Please let me know!