The Meetings Show UK #TMS15 recap: enter the competition and win an iPad Air!

Wow, London you were great! Only one week ago we were meeting, greeting, taking selfies and doing business. I hope that you all are fully recovered from the awesome and exciting days. Back home I am flicking through all the cool pictures, with old and new friends. Since you all contributed to this unique experience, I want to share my favourite memories with you. Here are the best pictures of the Meetings Show UK 2015.

Don’t forget to tag your photo!
Are you one of the hosted buyers, who took a picture in bed with me at my Holland booth? Then you should visit my Facebook Page to tag yourself in our picture and participate in my photo contest. Call your friends to collect as many ‘Likes’ as you can. If your photo has the most ‘Likes’ on Monday July 20 2015 you win an iPad Air. For instructions check the terms & conditions of this contest.